Our VivaMK Team,

this photo was taken at our first Official Showcase.

Our Team stands for
Fun - Great People - Success
We all are for one reason in the business , mainly of course for making money, whether using it as as an  substitute income or building a business from scratch.

We did not know each other before, no, we only met each other, spoken with each the first time thanks to our VivaMK business. 

In our Business are: shy people, people who have not had any work for quite a while, people with health problems or wheelchair bounded, single parents, stay at home parents and full time employed people . Normal people from any background

We all support and help each other making our businesses work, this is the beauty of our Team and Business. We are the People Business and we show also new starters how to achieve what we have achieved so far.

Enjoy living your life and make your dreams come true,
because dreams can come true, make them happen.

If you want to be part of this thriving business and our great Team, get in touch and we can set you up in no time and get you started. 

It starts with you. 

Customers suggesting Products

We are simply the People's business. 
Where else can customers suggest products for future catalogues?

This helps in the end everyone and creates TRUST , the company , the distributors and the customers .😀

Value is another factor 😀. Our customers are being  valued by being asked for recommendations.  They can feel part of something.

I am so excited for our future with VivaMK, because we give the people what they want and they know what they maybe can expect to see in a future catalogue. 
Our customers  chose themselves what to buy simply by browsing our catalogues . Our catalogues work and they will always do.😍🎉
If you would like to be part of our business give me a call on 07789561645 or visit  https://worksocialmedia.co.uk

Do what you love....

This is absolutely true.

Whether you are working for yourself or in employed work or you maybe do both, love what you do.

I am grateful for the opportunity I have with my business VivaMK.


Let's get Eco-friendly

Let's get Eco friendly

Exciting to hear that we are going to offer eco-friendly products in our upcoming catalogue.

Below is a taster what can be expected.....

We do not harm the environment with the eco-friendly products. 

Questions & Answers

Showing interested people my business is a simple thing. 😊😊

However, there are sometimes still unanswered questions. whether the prospect could not find the answer to their question or is unsure about the correct understanding.
To make it even easier I was thinking about something simple......a solution.
A Q&A site was the answer. The most common questions prospects have about my amazing business VivaMK.....

16 Questions about "How do I earn money?", "I work full time,can I still join the Business part time?" to "How soon can I start""

Take a look yourself and find the answers to your questions about the VivaMK opportunity. https://worksocialmedia.co.uk/vivamkqanda.html

Do you have any unanswered questions? Then please, get in touch so I can reply to your enquiry . 😀

Believe in your dreams, your future

This Quote by Eleanor Roosevelt is so true. 
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

Keep believing and believe in your dreams.

International Women's Day

Today is 8th March 2019 and marks the International Women's Day.

To all the women out there, you are all brilliant. 

Let's celebrate the day as ours, not just to demonstrate but also to show we have the same rights as men and have a passion of what we do. These should be respected!

In today's world many women work in Direct Sales / Network Marketing (NWM) not just to make an extra income but also to meet other inspiring women in business. Women can achieve amazing things. Whether it's making things better for their families or even one thing a better lifestyle, they can create their future.

Many mums work their businesses while caring for their children as a NWM business, it is flexible and easily worked from home and this is where our amazing business VivaMK comes in.

VivaMK offers passion, inspiration, value, fun with an amazing range .
Women get valued in our business, get rewarded for their achievements and simply for being there.  
We have Quality Products that sell themselves through catalogues or online. This business has got a big future. 

Vivamk the People's Business

When you join VivaMK you realise quickly that we are a People's Business. As this VivaMK Blog and post states "VivaMK the People...